Prenton Park, 19.08.06.
Att: 6 023
My first match after I arrived in England. I guess everyone at Prenton Park was hoping for a replay of last years encounter vs Yeovil which ended convincingly 4-1 to Rovers. It was not to be, but it could easily have been the same result. After a scrappy first 35 minutes, Kevin Ellison

put Rovers in front after a flick on by Greenacre. I can't say Ellison had his nerves calm, but anyway, goal counts anyhow they are scored :) It was however very dissapointing when Yeovil equalised just before half-time. The second half was a good improvement from the first. Rovers upped the tempo and had lots and lots of chances! They did get the winner through some exellent play. Mullin got the last touch from the edge of the 6-yard box. Greenacre twice and Stockdale could have put Rovers further ahead, but it wasn't to be! Yeovil also had some decent chances, but in the end a deserved victory!
MOM: Ian Goodison, had an exellent game at the heart of Rovers' defence.
Grattis Eirik! Håper på en supersesong for Tranmere Rovers i år!...så blir det bra for deg også ü
Liverpool imponerte derimot få i sin debut...dooh!
Ellers føler jeg meg obligated to compliment you med din særdeles gode engelsk!!!
Hei TG! Ja det var en fin seier det. viktig å vinne hjemmekamper!
Liverpool vil nok komme seg utover i sesongen. De trenger bare å bli litt bedre kjent med hverandre, er jo en del nye der...
Takker for kompliment!
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